4.17 Amortize schedule type products for Tranche Contracts

If Interest/Fee Distribution is Lender of Record, then amortize schedule type of borrower products are allowed under DD Products screen at Tranche level.

Interest/Fee Distribution flag in the LB Tranche Contract Online screen can be changed from Lender of Actuals to Lender of Records and vice versa during contract booking with the below override message.

Int / Fee Distribution value is changed from Lender of Actuals(LOA) to Lender of Records(LOR).

Click OK for the value to be changed as Lender of Record (LOR) and the message gets populated to LB Dual Authorization screen.

Details of Overrides requiring dual authorization

After authorizing this override message, the contract is allowed to authorize.

Or else, you can cancel the override message and the value of the flag remains as Lender of Actuals (LOA)Amortization is not supported for the following functionalities:
  • Participants Transfer (PRAM)
  • Re-price/ Rollover