3.5 Creating Participant Products

You can create participant products only after you have defined the borrower products (for processing borrower facility, tranche and drawdown contracts).

Subsequently, when you define a borrower facility product for processing borrower facility contracts, you have to associate the borrower tranche product and the borrower drawdown product participant tranche product and the participant drawdown product to be used for processing the corresponding participant contracts that would be created under the borrower facility contracts.

You must define the products to be used for participant facility, tranche and drawdown contracts that will be created for participants under a borrower facility contract. This can be done through the Product – Creation screen.
Specify the User ID and Password, and login to Homepage.
  1. On the Homepage, type LPDPRMNT and click next arrow.
    The Participant Product Definition screen is displayed.


    The fields which are marked in asterisk red are mandatory fields.

    Figure 3-18 Participant Product Definition

  2. Click New to create participants products. In the Product – Creation, you have to specify the following details:

    Table 3-13 Participant Product Definition

    Fields Description
    Participant Product Type Select the product type of the participant product you are creating, from the option list. The options available are:
    • Facility
    • Tranche
    • Drawdown
    Linked Borrower Product Select the borrower product with which you to want to link the participant product being created.
    New Product Code Give the participant product a unique code by which it can be easily identified. The code can be combination of alphabets and numbers and should consist of at least one alphabet.
    Click Ok to proceed with product creation. The Loans Syndication – Participant Product Definition screen is displayed.
    This topic contains following sub-topics: