15.8 Drawdown Notice to Participant

In case there is an exchange rate fluctuation, the participant of the account is sent a drawdown notice.

The drawdown notice to the participant contains the following information.
  • The CIF id of the Borrower specified in the contract
  • The Additional Amount in the Drawdown Currency
  • The Value date of the drawdown
  • The Base Currency of the contract
  • The Drawdown Currency
  • The Settlement Instructions
    • The Beneficiary bank name
    • The Account number and address
  • The Interest Rate Notice (rate fixing date and time)


  • In case you have chosen the media as SWIFT, an MT643 is generated instead of the above mail format.
  • The message type for the MT 643 SWIFT message is PART_ERAM_NOTC.

Amendment to Earlier F/X Notice Sent to Participant

The Draw down Notice sent to the participant in case of fluctuation of exchange rate can be amended and resent to the participant of the account with the following information.
  • The Optional Currency
  • The Base Currency
  • The new exchange rate
  • The New amount (Base currency)
  • The Old amount (Base currency)
  • The Original F/X notice date


  • In case you have chosen the media as SWIFT, an MT644 is generated instead of the above mail format
  • The message type for the MT 644 SWIFT message is EXRT_AMEND_ADV.