5.2.31 Fixing Exchange Rate After Drawdown Booking

You can perform a case independent search only if the parameter, CASE_SENSITIVITY in cstb_param, is set to Y.

If you do not fix the exchange rate during drawdown booking (the event EXFX is not fired for such drawdowns) you have the option to fix the same after the booking event. This is applicable if the drawdown currency is different from the tranche currency.

Specify the User ID and Password, login to Homepage.
  1. On the homepage, type LBDEXRFX and click next arrow.
    The Exchange Rate Fixing screen is displayed.


    The fields which are marked in asterisk red are mandatory fields.

    Figure 5-37 Exchange Rate Fixing

  2. All subsequent exchange rate fixing after the drawdown booking is done through the above screen. Through this screen, you can fix the exchange rate for the current period (before the effective start date) as well as specify a rate for a new period. These options are discussed below.