5.2.32 Fixing Interest Rate after Drawdown Booking

For the first time, you can fix the interest rate as part of drawdown booking through the Rate Fixing Details screen. Subsequent rate fixing should be performed through the LB Interest Rate Fixing screen.
Specify the User ID and Password, login to Homepage.
  1. On the homepage, type LBDIRTFX and click next arrow.
    The Interest Rate Fixing Detail screen is displayed.


    The fields which are marked in asterisk red are mandatory fields.

    Figure 5-38 Interest Rate Fixing Detail

  2. You can view the agent reference number in this screen.
    For interest rate fixing also you have the Unlock (to fix the interest rate before the effective start date) and New (to fix the interest rate after the effective start date) option. For more details on negative rate processing, refer the title Maintaining Loans Parameters Details in the chapter Bank Parameters in Core Services User Manual. For details on the two options, refer the heading Fixing exchange rate after drawdown booking in this chapter.

    For more information on the editable fields in the above screen, refer the heading Fixing interest rate for the drawdown in this chapter.

    You can specify the media for the message generation in Media for Message Generation screen. You can invoke this screen by clicking Media tab. This tab is enabled only if the FpML Type option is deselected at the contract level and the Media Priority option is selected at the product level.

    If this tab is enabled, then the system displays an override message saying to view the Media for Message Generation screen. If not, the system handoffs the message as per the details maintained in the Customer Entity Maintenance screen.

    For more information on the Media for Message Generation screen, refer the heading Specifying Media for Message Generation in this chapter.