5.12.4 Generating Third Party Faxes

Oracle Banking Corporate Lending enables you to send faxes to all the participants on Participant transfer (Assignment) Processing with the following details:
  • Transfer Date
  • Trade Commitment Amount
  • Original Balance
  • Ending Balance
After the Participant Transfer is authorized, an override message gets generated for regeneration of Pending Advices. Regeneration of pending advices/notices is for the existing participants with event based notices, event based rate fixing advices and event based payment notices. You can view the list of existing affected participants and advices for the existing affected participants with Pending Status in the Participant Transfer Advice Regeneration screen.
Specify the User ID and Password, login to Homepage.
  1. On the Homepage, type LBDPTADV and click next arrow.
    The Participant Transfer Advice Regeneration screen is displayed.


    The fields which are marked in asterisk red are mandatory fields.

    Figure 5-66 Participant Transfer Advice Regeneration

  2. You can view the following details here:
    • Investor details
    • Advices details


    The generate check box is selected for all the investors and the events for regeneration. However, you can also clear the check box.

    After the generation of selective advices, the status gets updated to Regenerated from pending.


    Regeneration of Free format is possible only when billing date is in future. The contracts which got the cascade participation are applicable for regeneration. Advices are also regenerated for new participants added as part of participant transfer. The system identifies the events for which advices have to be regenerated based on the advice events whose value dates are greater than the system date. Event value date should be greater than or equal to assignment date for the events other than NOTC and for NOTC it should be greater than the assignment date.