The image shows Preference tab of Loan Syndication – Drawdown Contract Online. It contains Branch, Tranche Reference Number, Product code, Product Description, Facility Name, Contract Ref Number, User Ref Number, Outstanding Balance. The Preference tab contains Drawdown related preferences, Int/Fee Distribution, and Interest Payment Propagation.It contains Events, Entity, Participants, BA Details, Interest, Exrate Fixing, Skim, Charge, Fee, Fee Rule, Tax, Overwrite Default SI, Settlement, MIS, Part Type, UDF, Split Rollover, Effective Interest Rate, Advice, Netting, Participant Summary, Part Rate, BorFFT, PartFFT, DD Tags, ESC, Special Penalty, Media Priority, Rate History, ELCM Block Details, Message Preview, Participant Cont Info sub-system. It contains Message Preview sub-system at the bottom. It shows Maker, Date Time, Checker, Date Time, Mod No, Record Status and Authorization Status fields, and Exit button at the bottom.