14.6.6 Interest Payment Notice

The Interest Payment Notice is generated at the borrower level for full or partial interest payments on the drawdown. It is a bulk message for drawdown interest with all the participants and global details and consist of a message for each participant and a message for the global details for the borrower. You need to maintain the message at the LIQD event for drawdown products.

If the payment is only for the principal, the system suppresses the notice. If the payment is for both interest and principal, then the system generates the Interest Payment Notice for the interest liquidated and the Repayment Notice for the principal liquidated. Or it can bulk the two notices if principal and interest are being paid together.

You cannot suppress the notice generation manually during drawdown payment. However, by doing a contact amendment (CAMD) in the Drawdown online screen, you can suppress the message. If needed, before making the payment, an amendment can be done to suppress the notice for the termination and then payment can be done.

The message Ext Deal CUSIP/ISIN captured at the tranche level for the InstrumentId field in Deal Summary.