15.7.5 Interest Rate Fixing Notice to Borrower for Split Renewal

This notice is generated to inform the borrowing customer when a drawdown loan is due for a split renewal.

The interest rate fixing notice includes the following details.
  • Details of Original Advance
    • The reference number of the tranche to which the new drawdown loan is linked.
    • The date on which the drawdown loan contract is due for renewal.
    • The period for interest calculation
    • The Maturity Date of the drawdown
    • The tranche currency (Base Ccy) and amount
    • The drawdown currency (Optional Ccy) and amount
  • Details of New Advances
    • The tranche currency (Base Ccy) and amount
    • The drawdown currency (Optional Ccy) and amount
    • The date on which the drawdown is to be Renewed.
    • The period for interest calculation
    • The Maturity Date of the drawdown
    • The Interest fixing date/time applied on the drawdown.