4.19 Maintaining Floor and Ceiling Details

You can capture floor and ceiling details for base rate, margin and all-in rate. The floor and ceiling values can be maintained separately for each interest components associated with various Drawdown products mapped to the tranche for each drawdown currency. For Floor, the base rate should be more than the specified rate, and for Ceiling, the base rate should be less than the specified rate.
Specify the User ID and Password, and login to Homepage.
  1. On the Homepage, type LBDFLRCL and click next arrow.
    The Floor and Ceiling Maintenance screen is displayed.


    The fields which are marked in asterisk red are mandatory fields.

    Figure 4-92 Floor and Ceiling Maintenance

  2. You can specify below details in this screen. For information on fields, refer to the field description table.

    Table 4-32 Floor and Ceiling Maintenance

    Fields Description
    Contract Ref No The system displays contract reference number.
    Product Code The system displays the product code.
    Customer The system displays the customer name.
    Facility Name The system displays the facility name.
    CCY Specify the currency details.
    Currency Name The system displays the name of the currency selected.
    Effective Date Specify the effective date for each currency you select.
    DD Product The system displays the DD product details.
    Interest Component Specify the interest component details.
    Floor Specify the floor base rate.
    Ceiling Specify the ceiling base rate.
    Margin Adj Comp Select the margin adjustment component from the adjoining option list. You can select any drawdown basis margin component associated with the drawdown interest component.

    You can maintain only one adjustment margin component for each tranche floor and ceiling maintenance for a combination of Tranche ref no, currency, effective date, drawdown product and Interest component. System validates whether the base rate of the associated drawdown is within the limit of floor and ceiling maintained for the base rate, otherwise the system adjusts the rate to the margin adjustment component accordingly.


    • Floor and Ceiling maintenance is not allowed if Drawdown basis margin component not attached to the interest component.
    • Adjustment Margin component can be maintained / updated for current system date only.
    • If the Adjustment Margin component is changed, then the new margin adjustment component is used only for subsequent propagations
    All-In Rate Floor Specify the floor all-in rate
    All-In Rate Ceiling Specify the ceiling all-in rate.
    Margin Component Specify the margin component.
    Basis Amount Tag The system displays the basis amount tag.
    Margin Floor Specify the floor margin.
    Margin Ceiling Specify the ceiling margin.
    This topic contains following sub-topics: