Maintaining Margin Slab/Tier Structure

The margin components, if maintained for the interest components associated with the tranche product, defaults to the Margin tab of the DrawDown Products screen. In the Margin Maintenance screen you can define the Slab/Tier structures (for tranche utilization percentage) with different effective dates for margin types of Tranche basis.

Specify the UserID and Password, and login to Homepage.

From the Homepage, navigate to LB Tranche Contract Online (LBDTRONL) screen.

  1. From the LB Tranche Contract Online screen, click Margin.
    The Margin Maintenance screen is displayed.


    The fields which are marked in asterisk red are mandatory fields.
  2. You have to specify the following details to maintain the Slab/Tier structure:

    Table 4-18 Margin Maintenance

    Fields Description
    Contract Ref No Select the contract reference number from the option list. The option list displays all the validcontract reference numbers.
    Customer No Select the borrower for whom the margin details have to be maintained. The option list displays the borrowers selected for the tranche. The margin details are applicable to drawdowns processed for the selected customer. You can also select the ALL option to indicate that the margin details are applicable to all the borrowers of the tranche.
    Component The option list displays the margin types of Tranche basis, if the same is applicable for the drawdown products selected for the tranche. When you select the component, the description and the component type are also displayed. You cannot amend these details.
    Component Type This field defaults based on you maintenance in the Margin – Definition screen.

    For more details on this screen, refer the section titled Maintaining margin component details in the Reference Information for Loan Syndication chapter of this User Manual.

    Amount Type You can define the Slab/Tier structure either in terms of amount or percentage of tranche utilization. Select the appropriate option.
    Dept Code Once the contract reference number is selected, the system displays the applicable department code.
    Branch Code Once the contract reference number is selected, the system displays the applicable branch code.
    Treasury Source Once the contract reference number is selected, the system displays the applicable treasury source.
    CCY Specify the currency details.
    Currency Name The system displays the name of the currency selected.
    Effective Date You must also specify an effective date on and beyond which the specified interest margin is valid in the system. For each effective date, you have to maintain the Slab/Tier structure in the Margin Details section of the screen. Margin can also be maintained with an effective date in the past. If you amend the margin between the rate fixing date and the value date, the system will re-pick the margin at the time of drawdown initiation.

    Capture the date in DD-MMM-YYYY format.

    From Amount/Percent You can maintain different Slab/Tier structures for each effective date captured for the component. Depending on the Amount Type you select, whether Amount or Percent, the system displays zero as the From Amount or From Percent for the first Slab/Tier. For subsequent slabs, the To Amount or To Percent of the previous slab is displayed.
    To Amount/Percent Capture the upper limit for the various Slabs/Tiers here. For type Amount, the maximum limit allowed is 999,999,999,999.99. The amount/percent specified here becomes the From Amount/Percent for the next Slab/Tier.
    Margin Rate Specify the rate applicable for each Slab/Tier. The rate specified here is applicable on the tranche outstanding amount which varies based on the utilization of the tranche.

    Use the navigation buttons - to move from one margin component to another.

    For more details on negative rate processing, refer the title Maintaining Loans Parameters Details in the chapter Bank Parameters in Core Services User Manual.

    If base rate is negative or borrower margin rate is negative then system does not allow user to maintain participant margin. If user has captured positive margin rate for borrower and participant then, the system does not allow user to amend the margin rate from positive to negative.

    Click Ok button to save the details and exit the screen.