4.9.32 Modifying Tranche Advice Details

The advices associated with the product default to the contract. You can view the advice details in the Advices screen.

Specify the User ID and Password, and login to Homepage.

From the Homepage, navigate to LB Tranche Contract Online screen.

  1. From the LB Tranche Contract Online screen, click Advice.
    The Advices screen is displayed.
  2. The following details are displayed in this screen:
    • Message Type
    • If the advice is suppressed
    • The priority assigned to the advice
    For a contract, you can change the following advice details only:

    Table 4-23 Advice details

    Fields Description
    Suppress All Select this check box to indicate that the system can suppress all the messages.
    Suppress You can choose between Yes and No. Risk E-mail events can be suppressed.
    Priority You can change the priority to any one of the following:
    • Urgent
    • Normal
    After capturing the required details, you have to save the contract and have it authorized by your supervisor.
    After you save the tranche, you can view the following details of the contract:
    • Diary Events for the contract
    • Netting Cash Flow Summary
    • Messages generated for the tranche
    • Participant Summary details
    • Events
    These details are discussed below.