14.6.10 One Off Fee Notice

The One Off Fee notice is generated at the borrower level with one bulk message for a tranche with all participant and global details. The message consists of a message for each participant and a message for the global details for the borrower. It is generated for fee payments of adhoc fee (USERINPUT type) components at tranche level.

The fees which are supported by Markit are:
  • Ticking Fee
  • Consent Fee
  • Amendment Fee
  • Assignment Fee (not in scope currently)
  • Facility Extension Fee
  • Funding Fee
  • Breakage Fee
  • Upfront Fee
  • Waiver Fee
  • Other Fee

You are required to map these fees to fee components in Oracle Banking Corporate Lending to facilitate the generation of notices. You need to maintain the message for FLIQ event for the tranche products.

If there are no adhoc fee components in the fee payment, the system suppresses the generation of this notice. You cannot manually suppress the notice generation during fee liquidation.

The message Ext Deal CUSIP/ISIN captured at the tranche level for the InstrumentId field in Deal Summary.