Other Processing Changes

  • For participants, you can send email messages to specific participant or a list of participants.
  • You can draft the content of the email message for the borrower drawdown contracts, borrower tranche contracts, participant drawdown contracts and participant tranche contracts.
  • You are allowed to draft the content of the free format message in both English and Chinese (traditional and simplified) characters. The content drafted in the Chinese character is either sent in the body of the e-mail message or as PDF attachment as per the Send Message Content as Attachment check box. In addition, you are allowed to upload PDF from the local system/shared area which has Chinese characters and the same PDF is sent as an attachment in the e-mail message.
  • To send an e-mail message with the drafted content as a PDF attachment, you should select the Send the message content as attachment check box and draft the free format message content and then save the free format message. Once the message is authorized, the drafted content is generated as a PDF attachment in the e-mail message and the body of the e-mail message is appended with pre-defined text and sent to the borrower/participant.
  • To append the drafted content in the body of the mail, you should clear the Send the message content as attachment check box, draft the free format message content and then save the free format message. Once the message is authorized, the drafted content is appended in the body of the e-mail message and sent to the borrower/ participant.
  • It is not mandatory that you should upload a PDF file in all free format messages. You can send e-mail message with or without the PDF attachment.
  • You can upload only one PDF file for a message. If you try to upload another PDF file, the system overwrites the uploaded one.
  • The system also validates if the file name of the PDF file is unique. If a PDF file is already in existence with the same file name, the system displays a configurable override message stating that the file name is duplicated. This can be configured as below at the time of implementation.
    • If the configurable message is defined as an error message, the user should change the file name or choose a different file to proceed with the message.
    • If the configurable message is defined as an override, the user can still choose to upload with the same file name and the system will allow the user to save the record.
  • Both the checker and maker are allowed to download the file and view the same by clicking Download button.


    There is no dependency between the downloaded file and authorize action. You are allowed to view the PDF file in Adobe Acrobat Reader and simultaneously authorize the free format message even before closing the PDF file.
  • No passwords are maintained to open the PDF file uploaded by the maker.
  • When you save, and authorize a free format message when Send the message content as attachment check box is cleared and a PDF file is uploaded, an e-mail message is sent to the selected borrowers/participants as below.
    • The drafted content of the free format message is sent in the body of the email message.
    • The uploaded PDF file is sent as an attachment in the e-mail message.
    • An event ZFMG is registered in the corresponding drawdown or tranche contract and the same can be viewed in the events screen of the contract.
    • The audit log is updated with the maker and checker details.
  • When you save, and authorize a free format message where the Send the message content as attachment check box is selected and a PDF file is uploaded, an e-mail message is sent to the selected borrowers/participants as below.
  • The body of the e-mail message is appended with a pre-defined text.
  • The uploaded PDF file is attached in the e-mail message.
  • The drafted content of the free format message is also be attached as a PDF file in the e-mail message.
  • An event ZFMG is registered in the corresponding drawdown or tranche contract and the same can be viewed in the events screen of the contract.
  • The audit log is updated with the maker and checker details.