14.6.16 Outgoing FPML Changes for Negative Rate

The following outgoing FpML notices sends interest and margin rates in negative if the rates are maintained in negative for the associated contracts.

Individual FpML messages for each participant

Table 14-1 FpML messages

Notice Name Associated Event Remarks Systematic / Free format
Drawdown Notice DNOT During drawdown booking. Systematic
Rate Reset Notice IRFX During drawdown Interest rate fixing. Systematic
Interest Payment Notice NOTC During Interest payment. Free format
Split Rollover Notice RNOT During Split Rollover booking. Systematic
Consolidated Rollover Notice CRNT During consol Rollover Booking. Systematic
Pricing Change Notice MRFX During Margin rate revision at drawdown level. Systematic

Bulk FpML notices (One message with all participant details)

Table 14-2 Bulk FpML notices

Notice Name Associated Event Remarks Systematic / Free format?
Drawdown Notice DNOT During drawdown booking. Systematic
Rate Set Notice IRAM During Interest rate amendment. Systematic
VAMB During interest rate amendment in VAMI screen. Systematic
MRFX During drawdown Margin rate revision. Systematic
Interest Repayment Notice LIQD During full or partial interest payment on drawdown. Systematic
Split Rollover Notice RNOT During Split Rollover booking. Systematic
Consolidated Rollover Notice CRNT During consol Rollover Booking. Systematic