6.6.1 Prepayment Processing for Value-Dated Amendments

Redefinition of tranche repayment schedule takes place online for tranche value dated amendments as follows.
  • In case of current dated tranche amendments for principal, system redefines the current and future schedules based on the differential global amount and the tranche repayment redefinition rule available in tranche online screen.
  • In case of decrease in maturity date of the tranche, sum of the tranche repayment amount available on/after the new maturity date is allocated to the new maturity date.
  • In case of increase in maturity date of the tranche, tranche repayment schedule available on the old maturity date is allocated to the new maturity date.
  • The redefinition of tranche repayment schedule is based on the differential global amount and not the differential tranche amount.