13.1.3 S.W.I.F.T Tags and OBCL Fields Linkage - MT 645

Notice of Fee Due

Table 13-3 S.W.I.F.T Tags

SWIFT Tag Field Name Mandatory (M) / Optional (O) Field / FFT Code Field / FFT Code name in OBCL
20 Transaction reference number M Field Contract Reference Number
21 Related Reference O Field Related Reference Number if specified in the contract.
88D Borrower M Field CIF id of the borrower specified in the Tranche contract.
32A Original Facility Amount M Field The value date and Amount specified in the Syndication contract to which the present Tranche is attached.
23 Type of Fee M Field The Fee component as described by the user in the charge definition screen of the Participant Product.
31F Fee Period M Field The Value date of Fee Liquidation.
34B Fee Amount M Field Fee Credited to the Customer.
33A Total Fees M Field Fee Credited to the Customer.

MT 645 Message – A Sample

  • {1:F01AMBKWASHIXXX1111111111}
  • {4:
  • :20:000LNCP010010018
  • :21:
  • :88D:IBNIN01
  • :32A:19900101USD1000000000,
  • :23:Syndication non rev fees
  • :31F:2001123120011231
  • :34B:USD600,
  • :33A:600,
  • -}