5.2.24 Viewing Drawdown Advices

The advices associated with the drawdown product (in the Product Event Accounting Entries & Advices screen) is applicable for the drawdown.

Specify the User ID and Password, login to Homepage.

From the Homepage, navigate to Drawdown Contract Detail screen.

  1. From the Drawdown Contract Detail screen, click Advice.
    The Advices screen is displayed.
  2. For more details on this screen, refer the heading Modifying tranche advice details in this chapter.
    After capturing the drawdown details, you have to save the same and have it authorized by your supervisor.
    After you save the drawdown, you can view the following details of the contract:
    • Diary Events for the contract
    • Netting Cash Flow Summary
    • Messages generated for the tranche
    • Participant Summary details
    • Events
    • AER
    • EI
    This section explains only those details that are unique to a drawdown. For details on the other options (Diary Events, Netting Cash Flow Summary, Message Preview, Participant Summary, Events), refer the following sections in this chapter:
    • Viewing tranche diary events
    • Viewing netting cash flow summary
    • Viewing messages for the tranche
    • Viewing tranche participant summary details
    • Viewing events for the tranche