Viewing Drawdown Payment Schedule Details

Based on the payment schedules captured for the components, Oracle Banking Corporate Lending computes the schedules and the amount payable for each schedule in the Payment Schedule Details screen.

Specify the User ID and Password, login to Homepage.

From the Homepage, navigate to Drawdown Contract Detail screen.

From the Drawdown Contract Detail screen, click Schedule.

From the Schedule screen, click Payment Details.The Payment Details screen is displayed.

The Payment Details for a contract are displayed in two ways:
  • Schedule Wise Payment Details.
  • Component Wise Payment Details.

  1. Schedule Wise Payment Details

    Figure 5-6 Schedule Wise Payment Details

    Here you can view the details of the schedules by Pay By Date wise for a particular contract. To go back to the schedule definition screen, click the Exit button.

    Schedule Summary

    This section contains total schedule amount across component for a schedule.
    • Pay By Date
    • CCY
    • Projected Amount Due
    • Due As Per Rate Fixing
    • Total Amount Paid
    • Total Adjusted Amount
    • Expected Balance
    • Pay Receive Amount.

    Schedule Details

    This section contains component wise break up for each schedule date.
    • Component
    • Projected Amount Due
    • Due As Per Rate Fixing
    • Amount Paid
    • Amount Adjusted
    • Adjusted Amount
    • Pay Receive Amount
    • Expected Balance
    • Component Type
    • Due Date

    Interest Rate Details

    This section contains interest rate details for each component for a given schedule date.
    • Calculation Date
    • Rate Type
    • Rate Code
    • Principal Basis
    • Received Rate
    • Adjustment Rate
    • Applied Base Rate
    • Base Index Rate
    • Spread / Margin
    • Spread Adjustment
    • Final Rate
    • No. of Days
    • Compound Interest
    • Simple Interest
    • Total Interest
    • Cumulative Interest
    • Rate Pickup Date
    • RFR Effective Rate
    • Rate Factor
    • Annualised CCR
    • NonCumulative CR
    • Unannualised CCR

    Amount Paid

    This section contains payment details for each component for a given schedule date.
    • Process Date
    • Value Date
    • Settled Amount
    • Local Currency
    • Lcy Equivalent Settled

  2. Component Wise Payment Details

    Figure 5-7 Component Wise Payment Details

    Here, you can view the cash flow projection same as the Payment Details which is displayed under “Schedule Wise Payment Details”. However, the difference being, the first multi block ‘Component Summary’ displays the Component Wise details and the second multi block ‘Schedule Details’ displays all schedules for the selected component as per due date ascending order. Interest Rate Details and Amount Paid multi block lists the calculation & settled breakup for the specific component same as 'Schedule Wise Payment Details’. To go back to the schedule definition screen, click the Exit button.
    Component Summary
    This section contains all the available components in that contract.
    • Component
    • Projected Amount Due
    • Due As Per Rate Fixing
    • Total Amount Settled
    • Total Adjusted Amount
    • Total Amount Paid
    • Total Amount Waived
    Schedule Details
    This section will display all schedules for that component in ascending order.
    • Component
    • Due Date
    • Projected Amount Due
    • Due As Per Rate Fixing
    • Amount Paid
    • Adjusted amount
    • Pay Receive Amount
    • Expected Balance
    • Component Type
    Interest Rate Details
    This section contains interest rate details for each component for a given schedule date.
    • Calculation Date
    • Rate Type
    • Rate Code
    • Principal Basis
    • Received Rate
    • Adjustment Rate
    • Applied Base Rate.
    • Base Index Rate
    • Spread
    • Margin
    • Spread Adjustment
    • Final Rate
    • No. of Days
    • Compound Interest
    • Simple Interest
    • Total Interest
    • Cumulative Interest
    • Rate Pickup Date
    • RFR Effective Rate
    • Rate Factor
    • Annualised CCR
    • NonCumulative CR
    • Unannualised CCR
    Amount Paid
    This section contains payment details for each component for a given schedule date.
    • Process Date
    • Value Date
    • Settled Amount
    • Local Currency
    • Lcy Equivalent Settled