4.9.34 Viewing Netting Cash Flow Summary

You can view the netting cash flow details for the tranche in the Loans Syndication Netting Cash Flow Summary screen.

Specify the User ID and Password, and login to Homepage.

From the Homepage, navigate to LB Tranche Contract Online screen.

  1. From the LB Tranche Contract Online screen, click Netting.
    The Netting Cash Flow Summary screen is displayed.

    Figure 4-77 Netting Cash Flow Summary

  2. The following details are displayed in this screen:
    • Authorization Status of the contract – U: Unauthorized, A: Authorized
    • Netting Status – U: Unprocessed, W: Waiting for Authorization, P: Processed
    • Cash Flow – IN: Inflow, OUT: Outflow
    • Customer Type – Participant or Borrower
    • Netting Currency
    • Amount
    • Value Date
    • Netting Reference Number
    If netting has not occurred or is not applicable for the contract, the system will display the following message when you click the Netting tab.

    There is no record selected for netting

    For more details on the above screen, refer the heading titled ‘Netting Cash Flows for a tranche’ in this chapter.