Viewing the Participant Details After the Transfer

You can view the new asset sharing ratio and new income sharing ratio for the participants involved in the contract in the Participant Ratio Details screen.

Specify the User ID and Password, login to Homepage.

From the Homepage, navigate to Participant Transfer Details screen.

  1. From the Participant Transfer Details screen, click Participation Details.
    The Participant Ratio Details screen is displayed.

    Figure 5-60 Participant Ratio Details

  2. Payment message generation at the drawdown level for the Ledger entries goes with the Settlement days defined for the respective drawdown currencies. You can view the unique transfer referernce number in the Participant Transfer Details screen which is preceded with the Branch code, Product code, and PTFR sequence number.


    • Any change in the Asset Share Ratio (ASR) or Income Share Ratio (ISR) at the tranche level as a result of asset transfer is applied to the new drawdowns entered under the tranche. Similarly, any change to ASR or ISR at the drawdown level is applied to the subsequent repayment done after the transfer.
    • You can view the position identifier description in case the participant is self participant.