1.4.4 Capture Party Details Tab 2

These screens contain fields that can capture details of all the possible parties through whom the funds involved in a contract can pass. Depending on the type of contract you are processing, and the number of banks involved, you should enter details in these screens.

To capture Party Details Tab 2

Specify the User ID and Password, and login to Homepage
  1. On the Loan and Commitment -Contract Input main screen (OLDTRONL), click Pay Parties of OL module.
    Click Pay Parties from the following screens of LS module.
    • FCDTRONL (Loan Syndication – Facility Contract Online)
    • LBDTRONL (LS Tranche Contract Online)
    • LBDDDONL (DrawDown Online)
    • LBDVAMND (LS - Value Dated Amendment)
    • LBDPYMNT (Loan Syndication - Contract Payment)
    • LBDFEELQ (Fee Liquidation)
    The Pay Parties screen is displayed.
  2. You can enter the following details in this tab. For information on fields, refer to the field description table.

    Table 1-12 Pay Parties

    Field Description
    Receiver’s Correspondent (54a) The Receiver’s Correspondent is the branch of the Receiver or another financial institution at which the funds are made available to the Receiver. This field corresponds to field 54a of SWIFT. You can enter one of the following:
    In this field, you can enter one of the following:
    • ISO Bank Identifier Code of the bank
    • Branch of the Receiver’s Correspondent
    • Name and address of the Receiver’s Correspondent
    Intermediary Reimbursement Institution (55a) An Intermediary Reimbursement Institution is the financial institution between the Sender’s Correspondent and the Receiver’s Correspondent, through which the reimbursement of the funds take place.
    Intermediary (56a) The Intermediary in a contract refers to the financial institution, between the Receiver and the Account with Institution, through which the funds must pass.

    The Intermediary may be a branch or affiliate of the Receiver or the Account With Institution, or an entirely different financial institution. This field corresponds to field 56a of S.W.I.F.T. You can enter either of the following:

    • ISO Bank Identifier Code of the bank
    • Name and Address of the Bank
    Account with Institution (57a) An Account with Institution refers to the financial institution, at which the ordering party requests the Beneficiary to be paid. The Account with Institution may be a branch or affiliate of the Receiver, or of the Intermediary, or of the Beneficiary Institution, or an entirely different financial institution. This field corresponds to field 57a of SWIFT.
    You can enter one of the following:
    • ISO Bank Identifier Code of the bank
    • The branch of the Receiver’s Correspondent
    • Name and address of the Receiver’s Correspondent
    • Other identification codes (for example, account number)


      For the fields Intermediary and Account with Institution, if you select the value FW from the option list, you can specify only Fedwire values in the next line.
    Receiver Account The Receiver Account is the account number of the beneficiary. This field is used to populate Field 58a of a MT202 cover message.