1.9.1 Contract Upload

Your bank may use Oracle Lending to process certain transactions (say OL transactions) and use another application to process other transactions (say MM transactions).

At some point of time, your bank may want to use the values from the external system in Oracle Lending. For this purpose, Oracle Lending stores the values of the various fields from the external system (an application other than Oracle Lending) in a database table. If your bank wants to use the value of the fields from the external system in Oracle Lending, the values have to be brought into Oracle Lending database. This is done through a process called Upload.

Let us assume that your bank is processing OL transactions in Oracle Lending and MM transactions in an external system. For processing certain OL transactions, your bank wants to use the values from certain MM transactions. Therefore, you have to put the value of the contract reference number along with the field name and value of the MM transactions, which you want to use in Oracle Lending into a database upload table with the status marked as U (indicating that it has to be taken up for processing). This upload table contains the values posted from the external system. Subsequently, you have to bring the values of these fields into Oracle Lending. This is done by running the contract upload program.

When you run this program, Oracle Lending selects the fields for which the status is P. It uploads the values from the external system into Oracle Lending database.