1.4.2 Derivation

This indicates the procedure for populating the values of a field. When you are processing a transaction that uses the user defined field, the value of the UDF can be populated in the User Defined Field/Field Name to Value Definition screen that is invoked from the Contract Input screen or the Function Id screen. The value for the field can be populated based on certain conditions, which can be defined as statements of code by the user. Check against Derivation Allowed to specify that the value of a field has to be populated based on certain conditions.

Specify the User ID and Password, and login to Homepage.

From the Homepage, navigate to User Defined Fields Maintenance screen.

  1. From the User Defined Fields Maintenance screen, click Derivationtab.
    The Derivation Rule screen is displayed.


    The fields which are marked in asterisk red are mandatory fields.
  2. You can enter below details in this tab. For information on fields, refer to the field description table.

    Table 1-2 Derivation Rule

    Field Description
    Derivation Rule Select the Derivation Allowed option, if you want the values of a UDF to be populated based on certain conditions. According to the requirements of the bank, the implementer of Oracle Lending writes a PL/SQL code to populate the values of the user defined field. The values of the UDF are displayed in the User Defined Field/Field Name to Value Definition screens of Contract Input or Function Id screen.

    Write the PL/SQL code in Derivation Rule screen.

    After writing the PL/SQL code, click X button to execute the code. The derivation code is validated by the system. If any checks fail, you must alter the statement so that the validation can be made successfully. Click E button to view the errors.
    For example, the bank wants to have a new field to display the Euro equivalent of the contract amount in the User Defined Field screen of Contract Input screen. To do this, you need to:
    • Define a field of type Number,
    • Specify Usage Allowed as Product,
    • Check against Derivation Allowed, and
    • Write a code to display the Euro equivalent of the contract amount.
    Subsequently, you can link the UDF to a product and process transactions under it. In the User Defined Field screen of Contract Online screen, system executes the derivation rule to convert the transaction amount to Euro equivalent and displays the Euro equivalent of the transaction amount.
    After writing the PL/SQL code, click X button to execute the code. The derivation code is validated by the system. If any checks fail, you must alter the statement so that the validation can be made successfully. Click E button to view the errors.