1.3 Maintenance in OBRH

This section describes the specific maintenances needed in OBRH for integration of OBEDX with OBIC.

Prerequisite – Consumer json import should be completed in OBRH. Please refer OBEDX-OBRH Integration Guide.

Find the OBEDX service consumer in routing hub (OBRH).

Navigation Route: Core Maintenance → Routing Hub → Service Consumers

Select OBEDX Service consumer and go to Consumer Services section.

  1. Select OBIC_HANDOFF and in the Transformation Section, edit transformation and under Headers section update the userId to the newly created user ID maintained in section Create User & Assign Role for OBVAM and source code to the source code as created using OBIC-OBEDX Integration document.
  2. Select OBIC_PARSER and in the Transformation Section, edit transformation and under Headers section update the userId to the newly created user ID maintained in section Create User & Assign Role for OBVAM and source code to the source code as created using OBIC-OBEDX Integration document.

Figure 1-3 User and Source Code update in OBRH