1.4 Maintenance in OBRH

All the communication between middleware service and OBEDX will happen only via OBRH.

Steps to configure OBRH are as follows

  1. Create if not exists, service consumer named “OBEDX”
  2. Under the service consumer create service provider named “THIRD_PARTY”
    1. Provide the host and port of server where middleware service is deployed
    2. Edit the implementation and add headers and service path
  3. Select the consumer service tab and add new consumer service
    1. Click on the service, by default transformation tab will be selected
    2. Click on add transformation, input required info and save
    3. Click on add route, input required info and save
  4. Create if not exists, service consumer named “Transformer”
  5. Under the service consumer create service provider named “OBEDX”
    1. Provide the host and port of server where obedx-workflow-service is deployed
    2. Edit the implementation and add headers and service path
  6. Select the consumer service tab and add new consumer service
    1. Click on the service, by default transformation tab will be selected
    2. Click on add transformation, input required info and save
    3. Click on add route, input required info and save