1.2 Maintenance in Routing Hub

This section describes the specific maintenances needed in Routing Hub (OBRH) for OBEDX integration.

  1. For Consuming Product services via OBRH where OBEDX acts as a consumer, consumer configurations are required to be imported in OBRH.
    Import “OBEDX_Consumer.json” in OBRH. Refer Service Consumer section in OBRH User Manual to know how to import a consumer JSON in OBRH.
  2. Once the import is done successfully, you need to update the service provider’s default implementation for IP, Port, etc. Refer Add/Edit Implementation section in OBRH User Manual for more information.


    • In case of customizing the request response, Transformations needs to be changed in OBRH. Refer Request and Response Transformation Section in OBRH User Manual.
    • Refer OBRH manual for any additional information for maintaining and configuring routing hub.