Authorize Structure Sweep

This topic describes the systematic instructions to view all the manual sweeps initiated and not yet authorized.

The user can review the tile and authorize or reject with a comment using this screen.
Specify User ID and Password, and login to Home screen.
  1. On Home screen, click Liquidity Management. Under Liquidity Management, click Batch.
  2. Under Batch, click Structure Sweep. Under Structure Sweep, click Authorize Structure Sweep.
    The Authorize Structure Sweep screen displays.

    Figure 8-24 Authorize Structure Sweep

    For more information on fields, refer to the field description table.

    Table 8-38 Authorize Structure Sweep – Field Description

    Field Description
    Structure ID Displays the Structure ID.
    Description Displays the description.
    Customer ID Displays the customer ID.
    Maker ID Displays the maker ID.
    Authorization Status Displays the authorization status of the record.

    The available options are:

    • Authorized
    • Unauthorized
    Record Status Displays the status of the record.

    The available options are:

    • Open
    • Closed
  3. Click three-dots icon and click View icon to view to Authorize Structure Sweep.
    The Authorize Structure Sweep screen displays.

    Figure 8-25 Authorize Structure Sweep

    For more information on fields, refer to Table 8-34 topic.

To Approve the structure sweep:

  1. Click Approve to approve the structure sweep.
    The Approve confirmation screen displays.
  2. Specify the remarks and click Confirm to approve the structure sweep manually.

To Reject the structure sweep:

  1. Click Reject to reject the structure sweep.
    The Reject confirmation screen displays.
  2. Specify the remarks and click Confirm to reject the structure sweep manually.