5.3.1 Create Account Special Rate

This topic describes the systematic instructions to configure the account special rate.

Specify User ID and Password, and login to Home screen.
  1. On Home screen, click Liquidity Management. Under Liquidity Management, click Maintenance.
  2. Under Maintenance, click Account Special Rate. Under Account Special Rate, click Create Account Special Rate.
    The Create Account Special Rate screen displays.

    Figure 5-5 Create Account Special Rate

  3. Specify the required fields on Create Account Special Rate screen.


    The fields marked as Required are mandatory.

    For more information on fields, refer to the field description table.

    Table 5-5 Create Account Special Rate – Field Description

    Field Description
    Branch Code Click Search to view and select the branch code.
    Account Number Click Search to view and select the account number.


    Account Number is fetch based on the branch code selected.
    Account Description Displays the account description based on the account number selected.
    Customer ID Displays the customer ID based on the account number selected.
    Customer Name Displays the customer name based on the account number selected.
    IBAN Displays the IBAN based on the account number selected.
    Account Currency Displays the account currency based on the account number selected.
    Account Group Displays the account group based on the account number selected.
    IC Group Displays the IC group based on the account number selected.
    Product Code Click Search to view and select the branch code
    Effective Date Select the date from when the account special rate becomes effective.


    This date cannot be less than the system date but can be a future date.
  4. Click Enrich button to populate the User Defined Elements.
    The User Defined Elements table grid displays with the value.

    Table 5-6 User Defined Elements - Field Description

    Field Description
    UDE ID Displays the UDE ID
    UDE Description Displays the description for the UDE ID
    UDE Value Specify the UDE value.
    Rate Code Click Search icon to fetch and select the rate code.
    Actions Click these icons to edit/delete the UDE.
  5. Click Editicon to edit the UDE values.
    1. Click Tick icon to save the modified UDE values.
  6. Click Deleteicon to delete the UDE values.
  7. Click Save to save the details.
  8. Click Cancel to close the details without saving.