5.7.1 Create Country Parameters

This topic describes the systematic instructions to configure the country parameters.

Specify User ID and Password, and login to Home screen.
  1. On Home screen, click Liquidity Management. Under Liquidity Management, click Maintenance.
  2. Under Maintenance, click Country Parameters. Under Country Parameters, click Create Country Parameters.
    The Create Country Parameters screen displays.

    Figure 5-13 Create Country Parameters

  3. Specify the fields on Create Country Parameters screen.


    The fields marked as Required are mandatory.
    For more information on fields, refer to the field description table.

    Table 5-14 Create Country Parameters – Field Description

    Field Description
    Country Code Click Search to view and select the country code.

    The details are fetched from common core maintenance.

    Country Name Specify the name of the currency.
    Currency Code Click Search to view and select the currency code.
    IE Participation Select the toggle to allow Interest Enhancement participation for this currency.
    IE Benefit Select the toggle to allow Interest Enhancement benefit for this currency
    Products Select the type of products allowed for the Country.
    The available options are:
    • Sweep
    • Pool
    • Hybrid
    Sweep Select the toggle to select domestic/cross border/cross currency in sweep structures.
    Domestic Select the toggle if the country allows the Domestic accounts to participate in sweep structures.
    Cross Border Select the toggle if the country allows Cross Border accounts in sweep structures.
    Cross Currency Select the toggle if the country allows Cross Currency accounts in sweep structures.
    Pool Select the toggle to select domestic/cross border/cross currency in pool structures.
    Domestic Select the toggle if the country allows Domestic accounts in pool structures.
    Cross Border Select the toggle if the country allows Cross Border accounts in pool structures.
    Cross Currency Select the toggle if the country allows Cross Currency accounts in pool structures.
    Hybrid Select the toggle to select domestic/cross border/cross currency in Hybrid (Combination of Sweep and Pool) structures.
    Domestic Sweep Select the toggle if the country allows Domestic sweep accounts in hybrid structures.
    Cross Border Sweep Select the toggle if the country allows Cross Border sweep accounts in hybrid structures.
    Cross Currency Sweep Select the toggle if the country allows Cross Currency sweep accounts in hybrid structures.
    Domestic Pool Select the toggle if the country allows Domestic pool accounts in hybrid structures.
    Cross Border Pool Select the toggle if the country allows Cross Border pool accounts in hybrid structures.
    Cross Currency Pool Select the toggle if the country allows Cross Currency pool accounts in hybrid structures.
  4. Click Save to save the details.