5.14.1 Create Sweep Instruction

This topic describes the systematic instructions to configure the sweep instruction.

Specify User ID and Password, and login to Home screen.
  1. On Home screen, click Liquidity Management. Under Liquidity Management, click Maintenance.
  2. Under Maintenance, click Sweep Instruction. Under Sweep Instruction, click Create Sweep Instruction.
    The Create Sweep Instruction screen displays.

    Figure 5-27 Create Sweep Instruction

  3. Specify the fields on Create Sweep Instruction screen.


    The fields marked as Required are mandatory.
    For more information on fields, refer to the field description table.

    Table 5-28 Create Sweep Instruction – Field Description

    Field Description
    Instruction ID Specify the instruction ID for the instruction, this is a user input.
    Product Code Click Search icon to view and select the product code from the LOV. The list displays all the factory shipped sweep concentration methods.
    Description Displays the description of the product.
    Name Displays the name of the parameter.
    Value Displays the value of the parameter.
    Mandatory Displays whether the parameter is mandatory or not.


The system displays the list of parameters associated with the selected product ID and their values can be input by the user.

The parameters change as per the selected product code, the parameters available for ZBA sweep are:
  • Maximum
  • Maximum Deficit
  • Minimum
  • Minimum Deficit
  • Multiple

For details information on sweep parameters, refer to Cash Concentration Methods topic.

  1. Click Save to save the details.