A Error Code and Messages

This topic provides the error code and messages found while using Oracle Banking Liquidity Management.

Table A-1 List of Error Codes and Messages

Error Code Error Message
GCS-AUTH-01 Record Successfully Authorized
GCS-AUTH-02 Valid modifications for approval were not sent. Failed to match
GCS-AUTH-03 Maker cannot authorize
GCS-AUTH-04 No Valid unauthroized modifications found for approval.
GCS-CLOS-002 Record Successfully Closed
GCS-CLOS-01 Record Already Closed
GCS-CLOS-02 Record Successfully Closed
GCS-CLOS-03 Unauthorized record cannot be closed, it can be deleted before first authorization
GCS-COM-001 Record does not exist
GCS-COM-002 Invalid version sent, operation can be performed only on latest version
GCS-COM-003 Please Send Proper ModNo
GCS-COM-004 Please send makerId in the request
GCS-COM-005 Request is Null. Please Resend with Proper Values
GCS-COM-006 Unable to parse JSON
GCS-COM-007 Request Successfully Processed
GCS-COM-008 Modifications should be consecutive.
GCS-DEL-001 Record deleted successfully
GCS-DEL-002 Record(s) deleted successfully
GCS-DEL-003 Modifications didnt match valid unauthorized modifications that can be deleted for this record
GCS-DEL-004 Send all unauthorized modifications to be deleted for record that is not authorized even once.
GCS-DEL-005 Only Maker of first version of record can delete modifications of record that is not once authorized.
GCS-DEL-006 No valid unauthroized modifications found for deleting
GCS-DEL-007 Failed to delete. Only maker of the modification(s) can delete.
GCS-MOD-001 Closed Record cannot be modified
GCS-MOD-002 Record Successfully Modified
GCS-MOD-003 Record marked for close, cannot modify.
GCS-MOD-004 Only maker of the record can modify before once auth
GCS-MOD-005 Not amendable field, cannot modify
GCS-MOD-006 Natural Key cannot be modified
GCS-REOP-003 Successfully Reopened
GCS-REOP-01 Unauthorized Record cannot be Reopened
GCS-REOP-02 Failed to Reopen the Record, cannot reopen Open records
GCS-REOP-03 Successfully Reopened
GCS-REOP-04 Unauthorized record cannot be reopened, record should be closed and authorized
GCS-SAV-001 Record already exists
GCS-SAV-002 Record Saved Successfully.
ST-SAVE-027 Request Successfully Processed
CC-BNK-003 Only one Bank Code is allowed.
CC-ACC-002 Currency should be null for Multi-Currency Account
CMC-ACC-PII01 User doesnt have access to PII data, cannot perform create or modify operations
GCS-REJ-001 A rejected record cannot be closed. Please delete this modification.
GCS-REJ-002 A rejected record cannot be reopened. Please delete this modification.
GCS-REJ-003 Invalid modifications sent for reject. Highest modification must also be included.
GCS-REJ-004 Record Rejected successfully
GCS-REJ-005 Maker cannot reject the record.
GCS-REJ-006 Checker remarks are mandatory while rejecting.
GCS-REJ-007 No valid modifications found for reject.
GCS-REJ-008 Invalid modifications sent for reject. Consecutive modifications must be included.
LMC-ERR-003 Maximum Amount should be greater than Minimum Amount
LMC-ERR-004 Maximum should be greater than Minimum
LMC-ERR-005 Maximum Deficit should be greater than Minimum Deficit
LMC-ERR-001 Fixed amount should maintained between the range of defined minimum and maximum amount
LMC-ERR-002 Instruction is assigned to structure(s). Failed to close
LMG-INF-ACCEPT-MSG Message Received Successfully
LMG-INF-SUCCESS-MSG Balance Updated Successfully
LMG-INF-STMT-OOO Message received out of order, Balance update kept on Hold
LMG-INF-BASEMSG-NOTFND Base message not received for third party account number. Balance update kept on Hold
LMG-ERR-INV-MSGFRMT Message format incorrect
LMG-ERR-DUP-MSG Duplicate message
LMG-ERR-CY-MISMATCH Currency code mismatch for third party account
LMG-ERR-ACT-NOTFND Third party account number does not exist
LMG-ERR-AVAILBAL-NOTFND Available Balance not received in message, which is required for sweep execution
LMG-INF-DATE-ONHOLD Message received with future Date, Balance update kept on Hold
LMG-ERR-DATE-MISMATCH Message received with older date
LMG-INF-SWEEP-ONHOLD Sweep execution in-progress, Balance update kept on hold
LMG-INF-UNP-ONHOLD Previous message in UnProcessed state, Balance update kept on hold
LMG-INF-MSG-ONHOLD Previous message on hold, So Balance update kept on Hold
LMG-ERR-INVALID-BIC Invalid sender BIC Code
LMG-ERR-MUL-940 MT940 already received for the day
LMG-ERR-TAG-NOTFND MT942 message need Tag61 or Tag90 for balance calculation
LMG-ERR-RUNTIME Error while processing message
LMG-INF-SUPRESS-MSG Message suppressed Successfully
LMG-ERR-SUPRESS-MSG Message cannot be Suppressed, message not in Hold
LMG-INF-MT942-CONFIG MT942 MessageType Configuration Missing in Branch Parameter Screen
LMG-INF-ACT-CLOSED Account in closed state
LMG-ERR-MT942-DATE Tag 13D doesnot match with Todays date
LMG-ERR-BASEMSG-RECEIVED Base Message already received for the day
LMG-ERR-SUPRESS-INTR-MSG Intermediate Message Received, Message Got Supressed
LMG-ERR-BASEMSG-NOTFND Base message not received for third party account number
LMP-POOL-001 Pool not allowed at System level
LMP-POOL-002 No Structure exists with given Structure Id
LMP-POOL-003 Pool Initiated for structure
LMP-POOL-004 Pool Initiated for Branch
LMP-POOL-005 Reallocation Initiated for structure
LMP-POOL-006 Reallocation executed for Structures
ICL-GET-001 Exception occured while processing current request
ICL-LMT-001 Customer ID is not present.
ICL-LMT-002 Customer ID is not a valid lender.
ICL-LMT-003 Error encountered while converting amount.
ICL-LMT-004 Lending amount cannot exceed the Overall lend limit.
ICL-LMT-005 Lend limit is not defined for specified pair.
ICL-LMT-006 Lending amount cannot exceed the remaining lend limit between accounts.
ICL-LMT-007 Lend limit is available for the customer.
ICL-LMT-008 Exception occured while fetching lend limit
ICL-MOD-001 No loan exist with given ID
ICL-MOD-002 No loan exist with given sweep log ID
ICL-SAV-001 Exception occured while fetching Loan details
ICL-SAV-002 Error while fetching structure details
ICL-STL-001 Error encountered while initiating reverse sweep
ICL-STLMT-001 Settlement initiated successfully
ICL-STLMT-002 Failed to initiate settlement
ICL-STLMT-003 Error encountered while initiating reverse sweep
ICL-STLMT-004 Structure not found
ICL-STLMT-005 Failed while fetching Structure details. Please check the log
ICL-STLMT-006 Loan is not active
ICL-STLMT-007 No loan exist with given Loan Reference
ICL-STLMT-008 Cannot initiate the loan settlement as loan o/s amount is 0
LMM-ACC-001 Account Status is Mandatory!!!
LMM-ACC-002 Account Category is Mandatory!!!
LMM-ACC-003 Account Record Created in IC and Authorized successfully
LMM-ACC-004 Account Record Authorized successfully but failed to create in IC
LMM-ACC-005 Account Record Authorized successfully
LMM-ACC-006 Account Category validation Failed
LMM-ACC-007 Account Status validation Failed
LMM-ACC-008 Branch Validation Failed
LMM-ACC-009 Account Group Code Not available
LMM-ACC-010 Account Number already exists
LMM-ACC-011 Customer Id not mapped with User
LMM-ACC-012 Customer Id not available
LMM-ACC-013 Account authorized in LM but Failure creating account in IC
LMM-ACC-014 Record Successfully Modified and Authorized
LMM-ACC-015 Failure Authorizing account
LMM-ACC-016 Account Updated Successfully
LMM-ACC-017 Account Balances Updated Successfully
LMM-ACC-018 Third Party Account address line should not exceed 35 characters
LMM-ACC-019 Account Record Modified in IC and Authorized successfully
LMM-ACC-020 Account Record Authorized successfully but failed to modify in IC
LMM-BRN-001 Branch details not available
LMM-ERR-001 Invalid Parent Customer Id, cyclic customer linkage not allowed
LM-CUS-PII01 User doesnt have access to PII data, cannot perform create or modify operations
LMX-INGT-001 Account Pair Record Already Exists.
LMX-INGT-002 Message already procesed for external reference $1.
LMX-INGT-003 Account Updated Successfully.
LMX-IOERR-001 Balances not available
LMX-IOERR-002 Generic Exception during SDE processing
LMG-INF-002 Balance updated Successfully
LMG-ERR-015 MT940 already received for the day
LMG-ERR-003 Message format is incorrect
LMG-ERR-005 Currency code mismatch for third party account
LMG-ERR-006 Third party account number doesn't exist
ACC_PRD-01 Unhandled Exception occurred
ACC_PRD-02 Invalid Product Accounting entry setup
ACC_PRD-03 Product code cannot be null
ACC_PRD-04 IC Branch Date not available for the current branch
INT-MCT-001 Release CutOff is not processed for previous mark CutOff
INT-MCT-002 Branch Code Not Valid
INT-MCT-003 Branch Dates Not Set
INT-MCT-004 Branch Dates Not Maintained
INT-MCT-005 Error Occurred in Mark Cutoff
INT-RCT-001 No data found for this branchCode in CutOff
INT-RCT-002 Release CutOff is already processed
INT-RCT-003 Error occurred while processing Release CutOff
INT-RCT-004 Branch Code Not Valid
INT-PRC-001 No data found for this branchCode in BranchDates
INT-PRC-002 Release Cutoff Failed
IO-ERR-001 Please add Participant Accounts.
IO-ERR-002 Please add the Currency Rates.
IO-ERR-003 Nominated account Currency should be the same as Threshold Currency
IO-ERR-004 Please add only Nomination Rates
IO-ERR-005 Please remove Nomination Rates
IO-ERR-006 Currency in Nomination Rate should be the same the Threshold Currency
IO-ERR-007 Please add Currency Premium Rates
IO-ERR-010 Currency Thresholds not allowed if Nominated Account is provided
LMP-POOL-001 Pool not allowed at System level
LMP-POOL-002 No Structure exists with given Structure Id
LMP-POOL-003 Pool Initiated for structure
LMP-POOL-004 Pool Initiated for Branch
LMP-POOL-005 Reallocation Initiated for structure
LMP-POOL-006 Reallocation executed for Structures
IN-HEAR-583 Period Dates should be within Financial Cycle Start and End Date
RTL-ERR-001 RTL Structure for account does not exist.
LMA-STR-001 Structure Validation Successful!!!
LMA-STR-002 Error in Structure Validation!!!
LMA-STR-003 Record Successfully Submitted and Authorized
LMA-STR-004 Failed to Auto Authorize Record
LMA-STR-005 Record Successfully Submitted
LMA-STR-006 Failed to Submit Record
LMA-STR-007 Empty input data
LMA-STR-008 Account Category is mandatory $1
LMA-STR-009 No Header account exists for the structure
LMA-STR-010 No Child account exists for the structure
LMA-STR-011 Pool Structure Type cannot have Account Type as Sweep
LMA-STR-012 Sweep Structure Type cannot have Account Type as Pool
LMA-STR-013 Hybrid Structure Type should have both Account Type Pool and Sweep
LMA-STR-014 All Selected Accounts must be used in Structure!!!
LMA-STR-015 No Linked Account data
LMA-STR-016 Structure Status is Incomplete
LMA-STR-017 No account exists for the structure
LMA-STR-018 Interest Method should be I for sweep and hybrid structure
LMA-STR-019 Effective Date should be before than end date
LMA-STR-020 Central Account Details should be specified for structure having reallocation method as Central Distribution
LMA-STR-021 Central Account is not active
LMA-STR-022 Central Account does not exist in OBLM $1
LMA-STR-023 Structure Id or version no is null $1
LMA-STR-024 Structure Type is null
LMA-STR-025 Structure Status is null
LMA-STR-026 Structure Description is null
LMA-STR-027 Structure Effective Date is null
LMA-STR-028 Structure End Date is null
LMA-STR-029 Structure Priority is null
LMA-STR-030 Structure Source is null
LMA-STR-031 Structure Post Sweep Balance is null
LMA-STR-032 Structure Interest Method is null
LMA-STR-033 Structure Balance Type is null
LMA-STR-034 Structure FX Rate Pick up is null
LMA-STR-035 Account is not active $1
LMA-STR-036 Account is not active or does not exist in OBLM $1
LMA-STR-037 Child Account $1 customer $2 is not child of Parent Customer
LMA-STR-038 Child account cannot be a Notional Account $1
LMA-STR-039 Parent Account cannot be an External Account $1
LMA-STR-040 Child of a Notional Account cannot be Sweep Type $1
LMA-STR-041 Pool type account cannot have instruction attached
LMA-STR-042 Pool type account cannot have payment instruction attached $1
LMA-STR-043 Sweep type account should have payment instruction attached $1
LMA-STR-044 Sweep Priority should be defined for Account Ref $1
LMA-STR-045 Reverse sweep Frequency should be assigned is reverse sweep is allowed $1
LMA-STR-046 Child Branch not available
LMA-STR-047 Parent Branch not available
LMA-STR-048 Child Bank not available
LMA-STR-049 Parent Bank not available
LMA-STR-050 Cross Border $1 not allowed for account pair
LMA-STR-051 Domestic not allowed for account pair
LMA-STR-052 Cross Currency not allowed for account pair
LMA-STR-053 Parent Account Currency is null: $1
LMA-STR-054 Child Account Currency is null: $1
STR-MOD-001 Structure should contain atleast one Internal account
STR-MOD-002 Further modifications not allowed as unauthorized channel modification still exists
SW-ERR-001 Sweep not allowed at System level
SW-ERR-002 Structure is not active or paused
SW-ERR-003 Header account is not active
SW-ERR-004 Sweep already pending for structure
SW-ERR-005 Structure $1 does not exist or not active.
SW-ERR-006 No Structure selected.
SW-ERR-007 No Acc pair selected.
SW-ERR-008 Structure is not active:- $1
SW-ERR-009 Sweep Failed for Structures:- $1
SW-ERR-010 Sweep executed for Structures.
SW-ERR-011 Account Pair Record Already Exists.
SW-ERR-012 Structure Sweep Record Already Exists.
SW-ERR-013 User does not have necessary roles/activity assigned.
SW-ERR-014 Previous handoff is not completed for account pair $1
SW-ERR-016 No system account exist for this ID
SW-ERR-017 Failed while creating System Account
SW-ERR-018 System Account created successfully
SW-ERR-019 Failed while creating and authorizing IC Account
SW-ERR-020 IC Account created and authorized successfully
SW-ERR-021 Failed while recording repayment for Reverse Sweep :- $1
SW-ERR-022 Failed while rejecting loan for Sweep Log :- $1
SW-ERR-023 Failed while activating loan for Sweep Log :- $1
SW-ERR-024 Failed while creating VD balance record in IC for system account :- $1
SW-ERR-025 Internal VD balance record created successfully
SW-ERR-026 Failed while creating internal VD balance record for system account :- $1
SW-ERR-027 Failed while updating internal VD balance record for system account :- $1
SW-ERR-028 Internal VD balance record updated successfully
SW-ERR-029 Failed while updating System Account - $1
SW-ERR-030 IC Account successfully updated for account number :- $1
SW-ERR-031 Failed while updating IC Account for account number :- $1
SW-ERR-032 No system account exists for Account Number :- $1
SW-ERR-033 Failed to record repayment on loan with Sweep Log ID :- $1
SW-ERR-034 VD balance updated successfully
SW-ERR-015 No system account exist for this sweep ID
SW-ERR-035 Instruction ID $1 For Account Number $2 is in Suspension Period