13.1 Generate Advices

This topic provides the systematic instructions to generate the various advices using the Advices screen.

Specify User ID and Password, and login to Home screen.
  1. On Home screen, click Liquidity Management. Under Liquidity Management, click Advices.
    The Advices screen displays.
  2. Specify the fields on Advices screen.


    The fields marked as Required are mandatory.
    For more information on fields, refer to the field description table.

    Table 13-1 Advices – Field Description

    Field Description
    Advice Name Select the name of the advice to be generated from the drop-down list.
    The available options are:
    • Interest Reallocation Advice
    • Interest Paid Advice
    Template Displays the template of the advice based on the advice name selected.
    Format Displays the format type to generate.

    The advices are always generated in PDF format.

    Customer ID Click Search icon to view and select the customer ID for which the advice is to be generated. The list displays all the customer IDs maintained in the system.
    Structure ID Click Search icon to view and select the structure ID for which the advice is to be generated. The list displays all the structure IDs maintained in the system.
    Structure Type Select the type of the structure from the dropdown list.
    The available options are:
    • All
    • Sweep
    • Pool
    • Hybrid


    This field displays only if the Advice Name is selected as Interest Reallocation Advice.
    From Date Specify the start date from when to generate the advice.
    To Date Specify the end date till when to generate the advice.
  3. Click Generate to generate the advices for specific customer, structure id and date range.

Interest Reallocation Advice:

This advice provides the details for interest reallocation for specific customer and structure ID. The user can view it as daily advice and range advice.

  1. On Advices screen, select the Advice Name field as Interest Reallocation Advice and select the required details.
  2. Click Generate to generate the Interest Reallocation advice.
    The Interest Reallocation Advice is generated.For more information on fields, refer to the field description table.

    Table 13-2 Interest Reallocation Advice – Field Description

    Field Description
    Customer ID Displays the customer ID.
    Structure ID Displays the structure ID.
    Structure Type Displays the structure type.
    From Date Displays the date from when the advice is generated.
    To Date Displays the date till when the advice is generated.
    Header Account Number Displays the header account number.
    Header Account Branch Displays the header account branch.
    Header Account Currency Displays the header account currency.
    Total Interest Amount Paid Displays the total interest amount paid.
    Interest Amount Currency Displays the interest amount currency.
    Interest Payment Date Displays the interest payment date.
    Reallocation Parent Displays the re-allocation parent.
    Account Number Displays the account number.
    Parent Account Displays the parent account.
    Branch Displays the branch.
    Parent Account Displays the parent account.
    Currency Displays the currency.
    Child Account Displays the child account.
    Number Displays the number.
    Child Account Displays the child account.
    Branch Displays the branch.
    Reallocated Displays the reallocated.
    Amount CCY Displays the amount CCY.
    Exchange Displays the exchange.
    Rate Displays the rate.
    Interest Amount Displays the interest amount.
    Reallocated Displays the reallocated.
    Execution Date Reallocation Type Displays the execution date reallocation type.

Interest Paid Advice:

This advice provides the details for interest paid to the specific customer and structure ID. The user can view it as daily advice and range advice.

  1. On Advices screen, select the Advice Name field as Interest Paid Advice and select the required details.
  2. Click Generate to generate the Interest Paid advice.
    The Interest Paid Advice is generated.For more information on fields, refer to the field description table.

    Table 13-3 Interest Paid Advice – Field Description

    Field Description
    Customer ID Displays the customer ID.
    Structure ID Displays the structure ID.
    Structure Type Displays the structure type.
    From Date Displays the from date.
    To Date Displays the to date.
    Account Number Displays the account number.
    Account Currency Displays the account currency.
    Account Branch Displays the account branch.
    Structure ID Displays the structure ID.
    Product Displays the product.
    Reallocation Type Displays the reallocation type.
    Residual Balance Interest Type Displays the residual balance interest type.
    Interest Amount for Residual Balances Displays the interest amount for residual balances.
    Interest Liquidation Date Displays the interest liquidation date.
    Reallocated Interest Type Displays the reallocated interest type.
    Reallocated Interest Amount Display the reallocated interest amount.
    Interest Reallocation date Display the interest reallocation date.