Account Maintenance Service API REST Endpoints

Maintenance Services/Account Maintenance Service API
This service is used to perform operations on participating accounts like retrieve list of all virtual and real accounts, update and close the account etc.
Adds a New Account
Method: post
Path: /service/account
Check IC Accounts
Method: get
Path: /service/lmm/account/shouldProcessIC/{branchCode}
Close the Account by Given ID
Method: patch
Path: /service/account/{accountNumber}/{branchCode}/{currency}/close
Get all Valid Account
Method: get
Path: /service/account
Get List of Accounts for Balance update during EOD
Method: get
Path: /service/lmm/account/fetchAccountsEod/{eodBranchCode}
Get List of Accounts for the Given Customer Collection
Method: get
Path: /service/lmm/account/getLinkedAccountsForCustomers
Get the List of Linked Accounts
Method: get
Path: /service/lmm/account/getLinkedAccounts
Get the List of Virtual and Real Accounts for the Given Customer
Method: get
Path: /service/lmm/account/commonCoreAccountfetch
Gets the List of Virtual and Real Accounts
Method: get
Path: /service/account/virtualRealAccountfetch
Reopen the Account by Given ID
Method: patch
Path: /service/account/{accountNumber}/{branchCode}/{currency}/reopen
Retrieve the Audit Information for the Account by ID
Method: get
Path: /service/lmm/account/{id}/history
Retrieves the Account by ID
Method: get
Path: /service/account/{accountNumber}/{branchCode}/{currency}
Retrieves the Total Balance for the Given Customers by Currency
Method: get
Path: /service/lmm/account/topcustomersbalances
Retrieves the Unauthorized Account for the Given ID
Method: get
Path: /service/lmm/account/{id}/unauthorized
Update an Existing Account
Method: put
Path: /service/account/{accountNumber}/{branchCode}/{currency}