Customer Maintenance API REST Endpoints

Maintenance Services/Customer Maintenance API
This service is used to perform Customer maintenance related operations.
Adds a New Customer
Method: post
Path: /service/customer
Close the Account by Given ID
Method: patch
Path: /service/customer/{customerId}/close
Get the customer Hierarchy for Given Customer ID
Method: get
Path: /service/customer/getCustomerHierarchy
Get the Group Customer ID for Given Customer ID
Method: get
Path: /service/customer/getGroupCustomerId
Reopen the Account by Given ID
Method: patch
Path: /service/customer/{customerId}/reopen
Retrieves the Account by ID
Method: get
Path: /service/customer/{customerId}
Retrieves the Customers by Given Parent Customer ID
Method: get
Path: /service/customer/getAllCustomers
Update an Existing Customer
Method: put
Path: /service/customer/{customerId}