1.1 Account Setup File Upload

This topics describes the information to perform the bulk upload for the Account Setup in Oracle Banking Liquidity Management.

File Type Supported: CSV

File Naming Convention - LMAccountMaint_<UniqueName>.csv


Replace the <UniqueName> for each file upload.


The fields, which are marked with an asterisk, are mandatory.

Table 1-1 Account Setup File Upload - Records

Sequence Attribute name Type Size Description
1 Discriminator* String 1 Denotes master record type. Default value is always ā€œPā€
2 Action* String 10 Denotes file operation type. Allowed values are new/modify
3 Source System* String 35 Indicates the source system
4 Source System Account No* String 35 Indicates the source system account number
5 IBAN String 50 Denotes the IBAN
6 Account Number* String 30 Specifies the account number of the customer
7 Account Description* String 105 Denotes the description for the account
8 Branch Code* String 4 Indicates the Branch Code
9 Currency* String 3 Indicates the Currency Code
10 Customer Id* String 20 Specifies the customer ID
11 Acc Created Date String 35 Indicates the Account Created Date
12 Acc Open Date* String 35 Indicates the Account Opened Date
13 Acc Closed Date String 35 Indicates the Account Closed Date
14 Acy Available Bal String 25 Denotes the available balance of the account
15 Acy Current Bal String 25 Denotes the current balance of the account
16 Last Bal Update Time String 35 Specifies the date of last update for the available balance
17 Is Active* String 1 Denotes the Account is Active
18 Is External* String 1 Indicates the Account Type - Internal or External
19 Is Resident* String 1 Indicate the resident type of the account to be maintained
20 Is Notional* String 1 Indicates notional pooling is allowed for this account
21 Acy Casa Blocked Amt String 25 Indicates the Casa blocked amount for ACY
22 Acc Category String 20 Specifies the Account Category
23 Dr Limit String 25 Denotes the Debit limit
24 Cr Limit String 25 Denotes the Credit limit
25 IL Route Code String 30 Denotes the IL route code
26 Line Id String 11 Specifies the line id
27 Limit Ccy String 3 Specifies the CCY value
28 Region* String 100 Specifies the Region
29 Uncoll Funds Limit String 25 Specifies the Uncoll fund limit
30 Uncoll Available String 25 Specifies the Uncoll available
31 Bal Comp Participation String 1 Specifies the balance comp participation
32 OD Limit String 25 Specifies Over Draft Limit
33 Is Debit Unlimited* String 1 Allow unlimited debit for the account while processing 2-way sweep transactions
34 Group Code* String 5 Specifies the account group to which the account is to be tagged
35 Group Description* String 150 Denotes the account group description
36 Is No Credit* String 1 Indicates whether Credit is allowed on the Account
37 Is No Debit* String 1 Indicates whether Debit is allowed on the Account
38 Is Frozen* String 1 Indicates both Debit and Credit are not allowed on the Account when Frozen
39 Is Blocked* String 1 Indicates both Debit and Credit are not allowed on the Account when Blocked
40 Country Code* String 10 Indicates the Country Code
41 Address 4 String 105 Denotes the address details - Address Line 4
42 Address 3 String 105 Denotes the address details - Address Line 3
43 Address 2* String 105 Denotes the address details - Address Line 2
44 Address 1* String 105 Denotes the address details - Address Line 1
45 Is Dormant String 1 Indicates both Debit and Credit are allowed on the Account when Dormant
46 Is Prospect String 1 Denotes the Prospect is available or not
47 Is Virtual String 1 Denotes the account class of the account is Virtual Account
48 Is IC Required String 1 Denotes the IC required or not
49 Is Multi Currency Account String 1 Indicates the account class of the account is Multi-Currency Account
50 Multi Ccy Account Number String 30 Denotes the Multi Currency Account Number
51 No Balance Handling String 20 Indicate the options to be selected for failure of offline balance fetch (internal and external accounts)
52 Is Regulated Debits String 1 Account can be marked as Yes or No for Regulated Debits