1.4 Country Definition File Upload

This topics describes the information to perform the bulk upload for the country definition in Oracle Banking Liquidity Management.

File Type Supported - CSV

File Naming Convention - LMCountryParams_<UniqueName>.csv


Replace the <UniqueName> for each file upload.


The fields, which are marked with an asterisk, are mandatory.

Table 1-7 Country Definition File Upload - Records

Sequence Attribute name Type Size Description
1 Action* String 10 Denotes file operation type. Allowed values are new/modify
2 Country Code* String 3 Specifies the Country Code of the Country
3 Country Name* String 105 Specifies the name of the Country
4 Currency Code* String 3 Denotes the Currency Code of the Base Currency
5 Allowed Account Type String 25 Specifies the allowed Account Type
6 Sweep* String 1 Allow accounts from this country to participate in sweep structures
7 Pool* String 1 Allow accounts from this country to participate in pool structures
8 Hybrid* String 1 Allow accounts from this country to participate in Hybrid (Combination of Sweep and Pool) structures
9 Domestic Sweep* String 1 Indicates the country allows Domestic accounts to participate in sweep structures
10 Domestic Pool* String 1 Indicates the country allows Domestic accounts to participate in pool structures
11 Domestic Hybrid Sweep* String 1 Denotes the country allows Domestic sweep accounts in hybrid structures
12 Domestic Hybrid Pool* String 1 Denotes the country allows Domestic pool accounts in hybrid structures
13 Cross Border Sweep* String 1 Indicates the country allows Cross Border accounts to participate in sweep structures
14 Cross Border Pool* String 1 Indicates the country allows Cross Border accounts to participate in pool structures
15 Cross Border Hybrid Sweep* String 1 Denotes the country allows Cross Border sweep accounts in hybrid structures
16 Cross Border Hybrid Pool* String 1 Denotes the country allows Cross Border pool accounts in hybrid structures
17 Cross Ccy Sweep* String 1 Indicates the country allows Cross Currency accounts to participate in sweep structures
18 Cross Ccy Pool* String 1 Indicates the country allows Cross Currency accounts to participate in pool structures
19 Cross Ccy Hybrid Sweep* String 1 Denotes the country allows Cross Currency sweep accounts in hybrid structures
20 Cross Ccy Hybrid Pool* String 1 Denotes the country allows Cross Currency pool accounts in hybrid structures
21 ieBenefit Allowed* String 1 Indicates the accounts from this country are allowed to get Interest Enhancement Benefit
22 ieParticipation Allowed* String 1 Indicates the accounts from this country are allowed in Interest Enhancement Structure