6 Logging Area

This topic describes about the logging area of Interest and Charges Applications in WebLogic server.

Server Logs

Managed Serverwrites logs in the below area of the server: <WEBLOGIC_DOMAIN_CONFIG_AREA/servers/managed_server1/logs/ managed_server1.out

Let’s assume a domain has been created obic with managed_server name called managed_server1 in the following area of the server /scratch/oracle/middleware/user_projects/domains/obic.

Logging area for Interest and Charges applications would be /scratch/oracle/middleware/user_projects/domains/obic/servers/managed_server1/logs/managed_server1.out

Application Log

Application logs are found under /scratch/obic/logs and this path has to be configured in setDomainEnv.sh as -Dplato.service.logging.path=/scratch/obic/logs