Structure Priority

This topic describes the systematic instruction to define the priority for the structure.

Structure priority comes into the picture when an individual account is participating in multiple structures.

The system detects that the account\s participating in multiple structures and populates all the Structures IDs in a table. The system assigns a default priority of 99 to the current structure. However, the user can change the structure priority for the current structure after viewing the other structure priorities.

  1. On the Reallocation screen, click Structure Priority tab to define the structure priority for the account.
    The Structure Priority screen displays.
  2. On the Structure Priority screen, specify the details.
    For more information on fields, refer to the field description table.

    Table 6-13 Structure Priority - Field Description

    Field Description
    Structure ID Displays the Structure ID associated with the account.
    Structure Description Displays the description for the structure.
    Structure Type Displays the type of the structure.
    Effective Date Displays the date from when the structure is active.
    End Date Displays the date till when the structure is active.
    Structure Priority Specify the priority for the structure.
During sweep processing, the structure with the least priority gets executed first, followed by the next least priority structure.

If the user provides the same priority in different structures, the system will throw a warning message to change the same.

Figure 6-16 Warning message - Structure Priority