2.9 Cover Overdrafts

This topic provides the information about the Cover Overdrafts method.

This type of sweeps are executed by the system only to cover overdrafts in parent or child accounts.

Child to Parent (Cover Overdrafts) 1 Way

If the balance in the parent account is greater than or equal to zero, the system does perform any sweep.

The sweep from child account to parent account is executed only when the balance in the parent account is less than zero.

Parent to Child (Cover Overdrafts) 2 Way

If the balance in the child account is greater than or equal to zero, the system does not perform any sweep.

The sweep from parent account to child account is executed only when the balance in the child account is less than zero.

The system tries to bring the child account to zero balance, if it has a negative balance. If the balance in the parent account is not sufficient to cover the overdraft in the child account, either sweep is not executed or sweep is executed up to the balance available in the parent account.