5.11.1 Create Interface Instruction

This topic describes the systematic instructions to configure the interface instruction.

Specify User ID and Password, and login to Home screen.
  1. On Home screen, click Oracle Banking Liquidity Management System. Under Oracle Banking Liquidity Management System, click Maintenance.
  2. Under Maintenance, click Interface Instruction. Under Interface Instruction, click Create Interface Instruction.
    The Create Interface Instruction screen displays.

    Figure 5-21 Create Interface Instruction

  3. Specify the fields on Create Interface Instruction screen.


    The fields, which are marked with an asterisk, are mandatory.
    For more information on fields, refer to the field description table.

    Table 5-22 Create Interface Instruction – Field Description

    Field Description
    Interface Specify the interface name for interface instruction.
    Service Name Click Search icon to view and select the service name for which the instruction is to be set.
    Network Type Displays the network type for the selected service name.
    Message Type Displays the message type for the selected service name.
    Service Type Displays the service type for the selected service name.
    Name Specify the interface parameter name.
    Value Specify the interface parameter value.

    # Values indicates that the values is populated dynamically during the hand off process.

    Action Displays the action to edit or delete the parameter.
    Event Code Specify the event code for interface instruction.

    These codes are used internally by the system to track the current status of an interaction.

    Event Description Specify the event description for interface instruction.


Parameters maintains the tag values for the interface service which is getting maintained.

  1. Click + to add name and its value.
  2. Click - to remove a row.


  1. Click + to add event code and event description.
  2. Click Save to save the details.