8.2.2 End of Cycle

This topic describes the information to invoke a EOD for Oracle Banking Liquidity Management through Common Core Maintenance.

Invoke EOD

The Oracle Banking Liquidity Management EOD process calls the following internal services in following sequential manner.



Refer Invoke Branch EOD section in Oracle Banking Common Core User Guide to run EOD.

As part of the EOD Batch, the following sub batches will be triggered in the application.

Table 8-26 EOD Batches

Batch Sub Batch Action
EOD Markcutoff
  • Pre-validation check for EOD like pending authorization, date check, completion of previous EOD, etc,.
  • Executes the account pairwise and structure pair sweep that are configured to run during EOD.
Balance fetch
  • Balance update/pull for that branch.
  • Executes the pool-based structures to update Pool contributions.
  • Call IC Mark Cut off
  • Interest Calculations and Liquidation (IC)
  • Call Oracle Banking Liquidity Management EOD Post IC
  • Accrual and Liquidation Handoff to DDA
DateFlip DateFlip
  • Change the system date to next working date in common core, IC, and Oracle Banking Liquidity Management
  • Mark release cutoff for IC batch
BOD ReallocationBatch
  • Sweep and Pool Reallocation
  • Handoff for reallocation batch to DDA
  • BOD reverse frequency sweeps for Account Pair followed by Structure
  • Executes sweep configures to run during BOD - Account wise followed by Structure wise


Oracle Banking Liquidity Management branch dates should be in sync with DDA branch dates to stop wrong entries being posted or Sweep getting failed.

Table 8-27 End of Cycle Date - Action

DDA Date Oracle Banking Liquidity Management Date Oracle Banking Liquidity Management Action
15-Jul-19 14-Jul-19 Oracle Banking Liquidity Management fetches the balance for 14th July and post entries for 14 July value date once again.
14-Jul-19 15-Jul-19 Oracle Banking Liquidity Management will not be able to fetch balances.


Refer Oracle Banking Liquidity Management Configuration Guide to configure EOD as per the user requirements.