ICL Customer API REST Endpoints

ICL Services/ICL Customer API
icl-limit screen where we define customer lending browser individual and overall limt.
Adds a new customer
Method: post
Path: /customer
Authorize the customer by given ID
Method: patch
Path: /customer/{id}/approve
Checks the lend limit availability between a pair of customers
Method: get
Path: /customer/checkLimitAvailability
Close the customer by given ID
Method: patch
Path: /customer/{id}/close
Deletes the customer identified by given ID
Method: delete
Path: /customer/{id}
Get all valid customer
Method: get
Path: /customer
Reject the customer by given ID
Method: patch
Path: /customer/{id}/reject
Reopen the customer by given ID
Method: patch
Path: /customer/{id}/reopen
Retrieves the customer by ID
Method: get
Path: /customer/{id}
Retrives the customer by given ID
Method: get
Path: /customer/{id}/history
Retrives the customer by given ID
Method: get
Path: /customer/{id}/unauthorized
Update an existing customer
Method: put
Path: /customer/{id}
Update lend limit of a customer identified by given ID
Method: patch
Path: /customer/{customerId}/updateLimit