Sweep API REST Endpoints

Sweep Services/Sweep API
This service is used to perform Sweep related operations.
Authorize the structure by given ID
Method: patch
Path: /sweepservice/adhoc/{id}/approve
Execute sweep for a structure
Method: post
Path: /sweepservice/executesweepobdx
Get all valid acc pair for authorize
Method: get
Path: /sweepservice/adhoc/accpairsweepquery
Get all valid adhoc structure sweep structure
Method: get
Path: /sweepservice/adhoc/strsweepview
Get all valid structure for authorize
Method: get
Path: /sweepservice/adhoc/accpairsweepview
Get all valid structure for authorize
Method: get
Path: /sweepservice/adhoc/strsweepquery
Initiate sweep structure
Method: post
Path: /sweepservice/adhoc/initiateSweep
Reject the structure by given ID
Method: patch
Path: /sweepservice/adhoc/{id}/reject
Retrieves all unauthorized structures
Method: get
Path: /sweepservice/adhoc/eodcheck
Retrieves the structure by ID
Method: get
Path: /sweepservice/adhoc/{id}
Run sweep service for a structure
Method: post
Path: /sweepservice
Run sweep service for a structure
Method: post
Path: /sweepservice/accpair
Run sweep service for a structure
Method: post
Path: /sweepservice/accpairasync
Run sweep service for a structure
Method: post
Path: /sweepservice/structureasync
Simulate async sweep service for a structure
Method: post
Path: /sweepservice/simulatesweepAsync
Simulate sweep service for a structure
Method: post
Path: /sweepservice/simulatesweep