Sweep Monitor API REST Endpoints

Sweep Services/Sweep Monitor API
This service is used for sweep monitor operations
Add new data for sweep monitor.
Method: post
Path: /sweepmonitor/externaltxn
Authorize sweep status.
Method: post
Path: /sweepmonitor/authSweepStatus
Export all valid sweep monitor
Method: get
Path: /sweepmonitor/export
For a given account, check sweep in-progress for that day
Method: get
Path: /sweepmonitor/sweepValidation
For a given branch and branch date, validates whether sweep log contains pending sweeps.
Method: get
Path: /sweepmonitor/eod-validation
Get all pending sweep logs.
Method: get
Path: /sweepmonitor/pendingsweeps
Get all valid sweep monitor by external transaction number.
Method: get
Path: /sweepmonitor/externaltxn
Get all valid sweep monitor.
Method: get
Path: /sweepmonitor
Retrieves Sweep count for the input real customer with structure
Method: post
Path: /sweepmonitor/sweepcountperstrcustomer
Update an existing sweep log data.
Method: post
Path: /sweepmonitor/modifySweepLog
Update an existing sweep log data.
Method: put
Path: /sweepmonitor/{id}
Update the sweep status.
Method: post
Path: /sweepmonitor/modifySweepStatus