1.3 Branch Setup File Upload

This topics describes the information to perform the bulk upload for the branch setup in Oracle Banking Liquidity Management.

File Type Supported - CSV

File Naming Convention - LMBranchParams_<UniqueName>.csv


Replace the <UniqueName> for each file upload.


The fields, which are marked with an asterisk, are mandatory.

Table 1-4 Branch Setup File Upload - Master Records

Sequence Attribute name Type Size Description
1 Discriminator* String 1 Denotes master record type. Default value is always “P”
2 Action* String 10 Denotes file operation type. Allowed values are new/modify
3 Bank Code* String 4 Code of the Bank
4 BIC Code* String 15 Denotes the BIC Code of the Branch
5 Branch Code* String 4 Code of the Branch
6 Branch Currency* String 3 Denotes Branch Local Currency
7 Branch Name* String 50 Name of the branch
8 City Id* String 50 Specifies the City Id
9 Country Id* String 10 Denotes the Country Id
10 Cross Border Hybrid Pool* String 1 Denotes accounts from the branch are allowed as Cross Border pool accounts in hybrid structures
11 Cross Border Hybrid Sweep* String 1 Denotes accounts from the branch are allowed as Cross Border sweep accounts in hybrid structures
12 Cross Border Pool* String 1 Indicates accounts from the branch are allowed to participate in Cross Border pool structures
13 Cross Border Sweep* String 1 Indicates accounts from the branch are allowed to participate in Cross Border sweep structures
14 Cross Ccy Hybrid Pool* String 1 Denotes accounts from the branch are allowed as Cross Currency pool accounts in hybrid structures
15 Cross Ccy Hybrid Sweep* String 1 Denotes accounts from the branch are allowed as Cross Currency sweep accounts in hybrid structures
16 Cross Ccy Pool* String 1 Indicates accounts from the branch are allowed to participate in Cross Currency pool structures
17 Cross Ccy Sweep* String 1 Indicates accounts from the branch are allowed to participate in Cross Currency sweep structures
18 Domestic Hybrid Pool* String 1 Denotes accounts from the branch are allowed as Domestic pool accounts in hybrid structures
19 Domestic Hybrid Sweep* String 1 Denotes accounts from the branch are allowed as Domestic sweep accounts in hybrid structures
20 Domestic Pool* String 1 Indicates accounts from the branch are allowed to participate in Domestic pool structures
21 Domestic Sweep* String 1 Indicates accounts from the branch are allowed to participate in Domestic sweep structures
22 Entity ID* String 50 Specifies the Entity ID for branch
23 Entity Name* String 105 Specifies the Entity name for branch
24 External System Id* String 35 Denotes the External System ID of the Branch
25 Fax String 20 Specifies the Fax details
26 Hybrid* String 1 Allow accounts of the branch in Hybrid (Combination of Sweep and Pool) structures
27 Is Balance Online* String 1 Denotes the Balance build method as online or offline
28 Latitude Number 15 Specifies the Latitude details
29 Line 1* String 100 Denotes the branch address details - Address Line 1
30 Line 2 String 100 Denotes the branch address details - Address Line 2
31 Line 3 String 100 Denotes the branch address details - Address Line 3
32 Line 4 String 100 Denotes the branch address details - Address Line 4
33 Longitude Number 15 Specifies the Longitude details
34 Phone Number String 13 Specifies the Phone Number
35 Pool* String 1 Allow accounts of the branch in pool structures
36 Region* String 100 Specifies the region of the Branch
37 Source System* String 35 Source System
38 Source System Branch Code String 4 Branch Code of the Source System
39 State Id String 10 Specifies the State Id
40 Sweep* String 1 Allow accounts of the branch in sweep structures
41 Time Zone* String 30 Specifies the Time Zone details
42 Branch Date* String 30 Indicates the Branch Date
43 Local Clearing Code String 50 Specifies the local clearing code for the branch
44 Is External* String 1 Indicates whether the branch is External or not
45 Bank Type String 10 Denotes the Bank Type
46 Zip String 10 Indicates the Zip Code
47 Host Code* String 8 Host Code
48 Balance Update Offset* Number 38 Defines the balance offset beyond which the balances are considered stale for offline balance fetch
49 Is Mt 942 String 1 Indicates whether the branch sends MT942 messages or not
50 Mt 942 Msg Type String 11 Denotes the MT942 message type
51 Rate Type String 8 Specify the Rate Type
52 Rate Code String 1 Specify the Rate Code

Table 1-5 Branch Setup File Upload - Child Record 1

Sequence Attribute name Type Size Description
1 Discriminator* String 15 Denotes the first child record type. Default value is always “AddnParameters”
2 Parameter Name* String 50 Indicates the Parameter Name
3 Parameter Value* String 300 Indicates the Parameter Value

Table 1-6 Branch Setup File Upload - Child Record 2

Sequence Attribute name Type Size Description
1 Discriminator* String 15 Denotes the second child record type. Default value is always “ExternalSystem”
2 External System Id* String 36 Denotes the External System Id for the branch
3 Message Type* String 20 Specifies the Message type for the selected external system Id
4 Method Name* String 100 Indicates the Method Name for the selected external system Id
5 Network Type* String 50 Specifies the Network type for the selected external system Id
6 Service Type* String 30 Denotes the Service type for the selected external system Id