2.10 Additional Sweep Parameters

This topic provides the information about the Additional Sweep Parameters.

  • Minimum Sweep Amount: The system allows to specify a minimum amount for sweep. If the sweep amount calculated by the system is less than the minimum amount, then the sweep from the sub-account to the main account does not take place.
  • Maximum Sweep Amount: The system allows to specify a maximum amount for sweep. If the sweep amount calculated by the system is greater than the maximum amount, only the maximum amount is transferred from the sub-account to the main account.
  • Minimum Deficit Sweep Amount: The system allows to specify a minimum amount for deficit sweep. If the deficit sweep amount arrived by the system is less than the minimum deficit sweep amount, then the sweep from the main account to the sub-account does not take place.
  • Maximum Deficit Sweep Amount: The system allows to specify a maximum amount for deficit sweep. If the sweep amount arrived by the system is greater than the maximum deficit sweep amount, only the maximum deficit sweep amount is transferred from the sub-account to the main account.
  • Sweep Multiple: The system allows to specify a sweep multiple. The amount from sub-accounts are swept at a pegged multiple.

    The sweeps can be executed from child account to parent account in terms of the defined multiple. Once a sweep multiple is set at an account pair, the amount from sub-accounts is always swept at a pegged multiple.

Example 2-1

Available amount in account: 900 USD

Target Balance: 100 USD

Sweep Multiple: 250 USD

Amount arrived by the system for Sweep = 800

After applying the Sweep Multiple, the final Sweep amount arrived by system = 750 USD


  1. Deficit Sweep: Balance transfers from the main account to the sub-account when the sub-account is in debit balance.
  2. Currently Partial Sweep Allowed flag is hidden from the front end and is always be checked by default. Users are not provided an option to uncheck the same.