12.1 Banker Dashboard

This topic describes about the various widgets on the Banker Dashboard.

In the Banker Dashboard, the application allows the user to do the following:
  • View a system wide summary of the Liquidity Management transactions as well as system alerts and exceptions based on the role.
  • View the data of all the customers that the user have access to.

The various widgets for the bankers are discussed under the following headings.


This widget displays the system alerts generated by all the maintenance screens to the banker. This real time notification to the banker can reduce the turnaround time on roadblocks.

Currency Wise Liability

This widget displays the currency wise liability balances across regions in five main currencies (USD, EUR, GBP, JPY and SGD). This is shown as a bar graph. The user can view the balances by hovering over the graph.

This gives a ready reference on regional currency positions for FX planning.

Top Five Customers Balances

This widget lists the top five customers based on the total available balance. The balances are segregated for sweep structures and pool structures and the cumulative balances are shown for both. It helps to identify the top liquidity customers in a period and strategize the sale and customer retention accordingly.

The various columns in this widget are as follows:

Table 12-1 Top Five Customers Balances - Field Description

Field Description
Customer Displays the customer name.
Amount Displays the balance amount of the customer.
Currency Displays the currency of the balance amount.

Top Five Customers - Sweep Volume in Numbers

This widget displays the most active sweep customers for the day. It can help in estimating revenue from each customer when the charges are sweep based.

The various columns in the widget are as follows:

Table 12-2 Top Five Customers - Sweep Volume in Numbers - Field Description

Field Description
Entity ID Displays the entity ID.
Name Displays the name of the customer.
Count Displays the count of sweeps.

Top Five Cross Border Sweeps

This widget displays the top five cross border sweeps for the day in terms of sweep amount. The user can drill down and view the details of the sweep.

The various columns in the widget are as follows:

Table 12-3 Top Five Cross Border Sweeps - Field Description

Field Description
Structure ID Displays the Structure ID.
From Account Displays the account number from which the sweep was done.
Amount Displays the amount in the account.
To Account Displays the account number to which the sweep was done.
Amount Displays the amount in the account.

Pending Task

This widget lists all the pending authorization tasks. The user can drill down the list to view the authorization screen. It helps to prioritize and ascertain the authorizations.

Exception List

This widget lists out all the exceptions encountered for the day and pending for clearance.