Interest Optimization Detail

This topic describes the systematic instructions to interest optimization detail.

  1. Click Next in the Simulation Detail screen to update the interest optimization simulation.
    The Interest Optimization Detail screen displays.

    Figure 11-22 Interest Optimization Detail

  2. Specify the fields on Interest Optimization Detail screen.


    The fields marked as Required are mandatory.

    For more information on fields, refer to the field description table.

    Table 11-19 Interest Optimization Detail - Field Description

    Field Description
    Structure ID Displays the structure ID that is auto generated.
    Structure Description Specify a description for the Structure ID.
    Customer ID Click Search icon and select the customer ID from the list.
    Source Displays the Source.
    Effective Date Select the effective date for the interest optimization.
    End Date Select the end date for the interest optimization. The end date should be more than the effective date.
    Threshold Currency Click Search icon and select the threshold currency from the list.
    Threshold Amount Specify the threshold amount.
    Interest Optimization Rate Type Click Search icon and select the rate type from the list.
    Account Number Displays the account number of the participating account.
    Account Description Displays the account description of the participating account.
    Currency Code Displays the currency code of the participating account.
    Branch Code Displays the branch code of the participating account.
    Available Balance Displays the available balance of the participating account.
    Rate Type Select the rate type from the drop-down list.
    The available options are:
    • Enhancement Rate
    • Nomination Rate
    • Premium Rate
    Nominate Account Click Search icon and select the nominated account from the list.


    This field is active if Threshold Currency is selected.
    Currency Code Click Search icon and select the currency code from the list.
    From Amount Specify the amount from when the rate is applied.
    To Amount Specify the amount to when the rate is applied.
    Rate (%) Specify the rate percentage.
    Currency Code Click Search icon and select the currency code from the list.
    Threshold Amount Specify the threshold amount.
  3. Click Add button to add participating accounts, currency rates and currency threshold details.
  4. Click Editicon to edit the participating accounts, currency rates and currency threshold details.
    1. Click Tick icon to save the modified participating accounts, currency rates and currency threshold details.
  5. Click Deleteicon to delete the participating accounts, currency rates and currency threshold details.
  6. Click Save.
    The user can view the created Structure ID using Interest Optimization Summary screen.
  7. Click Cancel to discard the updated details and close the Interest Optimization screen. In such case, the updated details will not be saved.