8.1.6 Pending Authorization

This topic provides the systematic instructions to view the pending authorization maintenances, Adhoc Sweeps, and Sweeps in P (Pending) status across the branches.

  1. On Home screen, click Oracle Banking Liquidity Management System. Under Oracle Banking Liquidity Management System, click Monitor.
  2. Under Monitor, click Pending Authorization.
    The Pending Authorization screen displays.

    Figure 8-6 Pending Authorization

  3. Click Fetch to fetch the following details.
    For more information on fields, refer to the field description table.

    Table 8-11 Pending Authorization – Field Description

    Field Description
    Common Core Maintenances Displays the pending authorization maintenance of the common core services. The available details are:
    • Maintenance
    • Data
    Oracle Banking Liquidity Management Maintenances Displays the pending authorization maintenance of the Oracle Banking Liquidity Management services. The available details are:
    • Maintenance
    • Data
    Security Management Maintenances Displays the pending authorization maintenance of the Security Management services. The available details are:
    • Maintenance
    • Data
    Structures Displays the pending authorization maintenance of the Structure. The available details are:
    • Structure ID
    • Structure Description
    Initiated Adhoc Sweeps Displays the Adhoc Sweep maintenance. The available details are:
    • Structure ID
    • Structure Description
    • Status
    • Sweep Execution Level
    Pending Sweeps Displays the structure ID where sweeps are in P (Pending) status. The available details are:
    • Structure ID
    • Structure Description
    • Status
  4. Click Reset to clear the data for a fresh fetch if required.